ProtoKinetics For Medical Device Manufacturers

ProtoKinetics PKMAS gait analysis software and Zeno Walkway provide Quantitative gait analysis to assist medical device manufacturers in the design, testing, research and approval of their devices. Our gait and balance assessment platforms measure human movement by collecting and analyzing data while running, walking, or standing still.
This data is essential for manufacturers of assistive walking devices, gait training devices, lumbar orthoses, artificial limbs, canes, crutches and walkers, hip, knee, and ankle joint replacements, and other medical devices to prove the efficacy of their products and assist in R&D.
ProtoKinetics balance and gait analysis systems collect and analyze a variety of gait kinetics and gait kinematics data, and provide scientifically valid, repeatable, clinically relevant data.
Our platform effortlessly records and analyzes:
- Gait (forward and backward)
- Transitional movements (initiation, turning, termination)
- Static and dynamic balance
- 4-square step test
- Timed up and go (TUG)
- Running
- Jumping and hopping
- Fukuda Stepping Test (FST)
PKMAS measurements include (but are not limited to):
- Coordinates: Heel, Toe, COP, COMe
- Footfall: Contact Time, Pressure, Length, Width, Area, Angle, Toe In/Out Angle
- Step and Stride: Step Length, Stride Length, Step Time, Stride Time, Stride Velocity
- Gait Phase: Gait Cycle Time, Stance, Swing, Single Support, Double Support
- Flexion and extension of hip, knee and ankle joints
- Plots of knee against hip angle
- Distance: COP Path Length, COP Path Efficiency, COMe Path Length, COMe Path Efficiency
- Velocity: COP Velocity, Max COP Velocity, COP Velocity Standard Deviation, COMe Velocity, Max COMe Velocity, COMe Velocity Standard Deviation
- Test Metrics: Ambulation Time, Cadence, Velocity
- Gait: Single pass, multi-pass, gait initiation, dual tasking, assistive device use, timed up and go (TUG).
- Static: Quiet standing, eyes closed, tandem stance
Statistical data for the gait measurements include:
Sample size, Mean, Left/right ratios, Standard deviation, Coefficient of variation
ProtoKinetics PKMAS gait analysis software and Zeno Walkway can help medical device manufacturers:
- Quantify changes in gait and balance while using medical device
- Use data as functional outcomes through R&D of new products
- Prove efficacy of products using data