ProtoKinetics For Pediatricians

Gait deviations frequently occur in pediatric patients as a result of dysfunction in the neuromuscular and skeletal systems.
Quantitative Gait Analysis (QGA) with ProtoKinetics PKMAS and Zeno Walkway provide objective and quantitative evaluation of a patient’s gait data. Clinicians can evaluate this data to identify abnormalities and can track and validate interventions.
Pediatric patients with gait abnormalities caused by spina bifida, muscle weakness, brain injury, foot and ankle dysfunction, static or dynamic muscle contracture, cerebral palsy, abnormal joint position, amputation, and other neurological or orthopaedic conditions may require surgical, pharmaceutical, and therapeutic interventions.

Pediatricians and surgeons can be aided by in-depth analysis of gait. This gait data can be interpreted by clinicians to quantify gait deviations caused by spasticity, ankle, knee, hip or back dysfunction, and other factors.
Using observational gait analysis (OGA) alone tends to focus on gross deviations in the patient’s gait and may miss pathophysiology that reveals underlying conditions.
Quantitative Gait Analysis (QGA), like that provided by ProtoKinetics PKMAS gait analysis software and Zeno Walkway mat, better characterize the cause of an abnormal gait. It differentiates the patient’s primary and secondary abnormalities and compensatory strategies. Our products provide gait kinematics and gait kinetics data such as:
- Spacial and Temporal parameters
- coefficient of variation
- relative pressure
- footfall
- step and stride
- gait phase
- gait cycle
- velocity
- distance
- coordinates
- Center of Pressure (COP)
- static measurements such as quiet standing
- and more.
This gait and balance assessment data can be used to track the effects of neuromuscular diseases, surgical and therapeutic interventions on gait function, and to establish baseline gait function against which a patient’s progress can be compared.
Gait analysis maximizes efficiency for Pediatricians
PKMAS gait analysis software and Zeno Walkway offer an opportunity for the Pediatrician’s office to maximize efficiency, as staff can be trained in data collection and the physician can interpret the parameters. This also allows the pediatrician to accurately observe how gait parameters change over time during treatment.
As healthcare quickly moves towards outcomes which require quantitative analysis, shorter hospital stays and increased function, gait analysis software will become more useful in tracking patient progress, functional loss or disability. Comparing data from gait analysis made before and during intervention can guide protocols and show when the effect of the intervention has plateaued.
ProtoKinetics PKMAS software and Zeno Walkway can provide data to:
- Quantify functional gait outcomes
- Test intervention efficacy
- Track and report gait longitudinally
- Determine optimal performance condition to minimize muscle atrophy and assistive device reliance
- Compare bracing and walker conditions to maximize performance
- Show patients quantitative data to assist with patient compliance
- Send quantitative data to insurance companies to justify clinical choices and speed reimbursement.
- Quantify level of maturation and motor behavior delay